2 Weeks In Review – Valentine’s Day Edition
Some highlights (and lowlights) from the past two weeks:
I started my journey to strengthen my core. My week 1 exercises quickly reminded me that I am, in fact, not in shape. What used to be my warm-up for Pilates now feels like a full-body assault.
I jogged. (Well, technically, I speed-walked with a side of panic when I realized I had 11 minutes to check into my Southwest flight.) I don’t remember the last time I broke a sweat, so I’m counting this as a win.
I watched golf videos on my flights and found a few gems worth revisiting:
- The pre-swing step drill in 3 Takeaway Moves promotes an early pressure shift, improving balance, sequencing, and overall swing efficiency. (I’ve done this a few times this past week and dig it)
- Eric Cogorno’s stance-adjustment tip (opening and moving the right foot back—an oldie but goodie) promotes a freer backswing, better hip turn, and an easier overall motion.
- The impact drills in STOP Flipping at Impact! look great for squaring the clubface earlier, leading to more solid and consistent iron shots.
- Michelle Lowe gave a cool putting lesson to Golf Sidekick (love that guy). I liked how she positions the ball and grip under the left eye rather than centered. It threw me off when I tried it though.
- Golf With Aimee had some complex but interesting drills for fixing an out-to-in downswing by improving hand position and syncing body movement.
Garage golf net swings + injuries. My tennis elbow flared up, putting was painful, and somehow I also managed to irritate my ankle (jogging ain’t for me). So that was fun. Probably a sign I need to, oh, I don’t know… pace myself?
Core workouts continued (sporadically). Did I do them three times in Week 1 like I planned? No. Did I move on to Week 2? Again no. The resistance to exercise is strong with this one.
Took a week off. No golf. No exercise. Just me, friends, family, and my old body resting. A well-earned break.
Then back to Florida for the Valentine’s Day tournament.
Started off strong—165- and (new record!) 185-yard drives that went exactly where I wanted them to. It was a step-aside scramble, and each player had to contribute three drives. I hit my quota in our first three holes, legit! But that confidence? Gone as quickly as it came. After the first half-hour, I forgot how to swing the club. Everything started going right, short, and just generally off the rails. A clear reminder that I need to strengthen everything. Despite it all we finished second in our Amore (aka bottom) flight!
So tomorrow, I’ll get back to it. The core workouts, the practice, the “please, body, cooperate” routine. We’ll see how it goes.

Swing Priorities:
- Keep a proper spine angle (back to target)
- Put pressure on the inside of my trail foot in the takeaway
- Keep trail knee flexed, push off to swing (I keep forgetting this)
- Get my shoulder under my chin in the backswing
- Keep wrists engaged (from takeaway to release)
- Take half and toe-to-toe swings (hate)
- Turn everything together—arms, chest, and hips working as one unit