Range Time with Matt
My neighbor is an awesome golfer. Many of my neighbors are tbh. But Matt lives next door and I asked him to give me a bit of golf advice because I still have problems making contact, and when I do, the ball goes right of my target like a ton. He met us at the range and took a few videos of my swing while we were chatting about things. I watch these and cringe at how slow my swing is (among other things). I hope one day I’ll look back on this and think, wow, I’ve come a long way!
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlG1-whtl3A&w=560&h=315]He’s a bit advanced for me. Really into power, which I cannot generate with my back issues. I’m working more on form and foundation and letting the club do the work. Remember, I never played sports so everything about is new to me.
His notes: Left shoulder under chin on takeaway, get hands behind you, fire through grip and your right hip. Focus on weight shift forward after impact.
Other things he told me:
- Grip the club stronger
- Follow through thinking about 18” beyond the ball
- Shift hands left (of zipper) at setup
- Cross over forearms
- When thinking about the club, think mostly about the grip since that’s the only thing you can truly control
My goal lately has been to figure out weight shift. After watching the videos and chatting with him I still think that’s a good idea. I’ll try to pull in a few of the things he advised too, but power is just going to have to wait.