Practicing with Golf Fix
I’ve mentioned before that I use the Golf Fix AI app to analyze my swings and help me drill. Monday I went to the range to fiddle around with it and see what is falling apart now.

My analysis of 31 swings using my 7 iron and driver, Face-On and Down The Line scored 7.1 (a slight increase from last time) and identified five main swing issues I had going on today:
- Left arm pull in the follow through (basically chicken winging)
- Hanging back at impact
- Lack of shoulder turn at the top (I think I stop short so I don’t jack up my back)
- Lack of side bending at impact
- Head dipping in the backswing (an oldie but a goodie!)
These are not new. They are in addition to ongoing issues: Reverse Spine Tilt at the Top (big owie), Collapsed Lower Body at the Top, Over the Top Swing (I think caused by my reverse tilt), Head Up at Impact, Club Inside the Plane at Takeaway, and of course everything to do with weight shift. Looks like I need to work on my tempo too. Remember the matrix!
Here are the analyses for my two best swings today. I’m keeping the poor ones to myself.
Todd, another neighbor with an awesome handicap, showed up to the range toward the end of my day and I begged some advice off of him for this chicken wing and hitting straighter. He told me that I’m swinging across (outside in) when I should be swinging from the inside out (and toward the right). I’m not really sure how to do that, but definitely something to add to the list! Maybe working on my weight shift and spine angle will work that out on its own. Wouldn’t that be nice? (Update, he sent me this Danny Maude video the next day.)
I’ve played a few times this past week. I didn’t keep score, so my handicap is unchanged (48.7). I find I have a better time without the pressure of scorekeeping. I haven’t done too well working on the things Brian suggested at our last lesson, so those remain top priority. Here’s what I’ll work on next time at the range (it’s a lot!)
- Feet Together Drill
- Weight Shifting and Tempo (shift turn shift turn), arms fall, whip it
- Reverse Spine Angle Drills (hunching my back helps a bit)
- Half Swing Drills
Swing Thoughts
- Put weight into the back leg on backswing (part of weight shifting).
- Keep right knee flexed (part of weight shifting)
- Loosen my grip, club on fingers, and tilted more left
- Keep the wrists engaged (always an issue)Use my chest to swing, think triangle with arms
- Keep my trail knee bent during my backswing
- Get my shoulder turned so it’s over the ball (without getting into a reverse spine angle!)
- Remember the matrix
- Watch the ground/ball go 18″ after impact
- Swing toward the target
- Move the ball left in my stance to give club face more room to close
- Take half swings if things get out of control