This is my cheat sheet for the range—because who can remember it all?

Current Focus Items

These are the things our club pro and friends told me to focus on

  • Keep a proper spine angle (back to target)
  • Pressure on the inside of my trail foot in the takeaway (helper)
  • Keep trail knee flexed, push off to swing
  • Get my shoulder under my chin in the backswing
  • Keep wrists engaged (from takeaway to release)
  • Take half swings


These are the drills I’m currently working on as I attempt to wrangle my swing into submission. I pretty much start with these.

Golf Fix Drills

Thing to Remember

  • Neutral to Strong Grip with fingers, not palms
  • Shift Turn Shift Turn with chest pointed down and back to the target.
  • Put pressure on inside trail foot on takeaway, push off to swing
  • Make a full shoulder turn (think lawn mower), but don’t overturn arms
  • Swing with your arms, chest and hips ‘connected’
  • Wrists engaged always
  • Keep right leg flexed
  • Take your time, feel the matrix
  • Roll your forearms (to close clubface)
  • Let the toe of the club ‘win the race’ against the heel through impact
  • Swing towards the target
  • Keep your head down – watch the divot 18″
  • FOLLOW THROUGH (on trail toe)

If’n when I start topping the ball …

  • Lifting: I’m losing posture (standing up).
  • Hanging Back: My weight is stuck on my trail foot.
  • No Rotation: My chest and hips aren’t turning through impact.
  • Arms Taking Over: My arms are “flipping” instead of staying connected.

If’n when I chunk it …

  • Early Release: Are my hands behind the ball at impact?
  • Weight Back: Am I stuck on my trail foot?
    Swing Too Steep: Poor weight shift, steep plane, or bad body tilt?
  • Over-Swinging: Am I going too far back and losing control?
  • Ball Too Forward: Is the ball positioned poorly in my stance?

Interesting that weight shift is a common denominator. I would love to get my body to do that better. Soon.